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Hound of Tindalos Experiment 2



The Hound of Tindalos again. [link] I used prety much the same idea, just a bit better drawn. I paid more attention to the creature itself here. It's body is double (to make it look as alien a s possible :P). it's tongue is like a giant saw, capable ofsewering victims head. Creature liquifies and vaporises a bit upon touching the surfaces , hence the smoke when they appear and trails of blue liquid.

The whole concept is kind of a spider-hound that travels the angles of time, which remind giant spider's web, and pursue time travellers which disturb it's structure. The limbs and the body were composed of angular components to make it fit even more into this weird reality it comes from.

"Beyond life there are'—his face grew ashen with terror—'things that I cannot distinguish. They move slowly through angles. They have no bodies, and they move slowly through outrageous angles.'"

"'All the evil in the universe was concentrated in their lean, hungry bodies. Or had they bodies? I saw them only for a moment, I cannot be certain."

"'God, they are breaking through! They are breaking through! Smoke is pouring in from the corners of the wall. Their tongues—ahhh—"'

Frank Belknap Long, The Hounds Of Tindalos
Image size
4813x3426px 11.67 MB
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Deyran's avatar
Fajnie tak zaobserwować, jak Twoje wyobrażenie tych stworów zmieniało się z czasem. I koncept podwójności też ciekawy. Podoba mi się to jak je zrobiłeś pośrodku na kształt czegoś jakby helisy... Fajne!